Thursday, April 29, 2010

bEaUtifUl QuOtEs by rObiN sHarMa on hiS twiTtEr paGe.

What is impossible to teach is "how to care deeply about doing your work beautifully"

To lead is to train your brain to focus on opportunities when everyone around you is stuck in the problems

The risk of not taking smart risks is far more dangerous than taking smart risks

Lead Yourself first. Only then you will get to a place where you can lead other people

To become a great leader, first become a great person. Start by leading yourself

Don't be so busy chasing the mountain top that you fail to celebrate The Climb

All of our world's progress was created by VIPs...Very Impatient People

World class work is the result of world class thinking

One of the Great Traps of Business: we're so busy chasing The Mountaintop we neglect to celebrate how far we've climbed

Always be content. Never be satisfied

Leadership is an attitude. It’s a state of mind. It’s a way of operating